About Us

Hello, my name is Jeremy Campano. I'm the owner of Campano's Creations. Sarah is my wife and co-pilot on this journey we're taking together. She's supported me through everything, no matter what, she's my rock. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have made it this far and I am so thankful for that.

Over the years I've spent a lot of time and a lot of money on this passion of mine and Sarah pushed the idea of selling some of the things I make. I took her advice and I'm now offering my services to anyone who wants a taste.

I've worked many jobs in this life, some I loved, some I hated. Nothing comes close to my love for baking. Every recipe is different, every recipe is a new science project, one small modification changes the entire end product. I spend most of my freetime trying new recipes and creating my own. I love to experiment with flavors, textures, layers, and different methods.

For now, I'm offering my services locally but one day, my goal is to purchase a food truck and travel to festivals, farmers markets, etc., so that more people can try my creations.